
Madison Strain

Hey everyone! My name is Madison Strain and I am excited to be serving as your 2024-2025 Orange County Federation Treasurer!

I am currently a Senior at Horizon High School where I proudly serve as the chapter President. This is my 7th year as an FFA member and my 6th year as an officer. I have competed in a variety of CDEs and LDEs. My favorite CDEs are Horse Evaluation and Veterinary Science and my favorite LDE is Parliamentary Procedure. In my free time, you can find me practicing for one of the various sports I play such as swimming, weightlifting, or flag football. You could also find me in the bee yard tending to my bees or working at Skyline Chili. My SAE project is beekeeping where I manage 10 beehives and sell the honey that is produced. I have also worked with other beekeepers and sold a couple of nucs to help maintain the population of my bees as well as help a new beekeeper start their apiary. 

I am beyond thrilled to get to know all of you and serve as your Orange County Treasurer!

Why did I join FFA?

I first joined FFA in 6th grade because I wanted to learn more about horses. Little did I know that my Advisor that year had big plans for me. From becoming state champions in Horse Evaluation to chapter meetings, my love for FFA grew. Now I see that FFA is so much more than livestock and plants, it's a place to learn and to grow into the best version of yourself. Above all, FFA is a gigantic family full of the future leaders of agriculture that will give you life long friends. 


My SAE project is one of my favorite things in FFA and agriculture. I love working with my bees and helping such important creatures in our ecosystem. I have been working with bees for over 2 years and have managed to grow my apiary to 10 hives!  


FFA has taught me life lessons I would not have learned outside of this organization. FFA has also guided me and shown me what I want to pursue as an adult and will help me get there through all of the experiences and opportunities that are offered. I love all of the memories that are made and the lifelong friends I have met through FFA. 

Stay Connected!

Let's keep in touch!

Instagram: @madison_taylor42_        

Snapchat: @m_strain42 

Facebook: Madison Strain
